With Christmas just around the corner, now's the time to start thinking about having that family portrait done. Whether you decide to go for framed prints or present your favourite photos in a hard-back printed album, you can be certain they'll make a wonderful Christmas present.
These photos are from a recent portrait session where the mother Carly wanted me to photograph her three daughters for her husband's Christmas present. Something tells me their Dad's going to be in for a big surprise! It beats socks any day!
Before I met Richard I had in mind what I wanted, but wasn't quite sure how to articulate it; not too formal, not too informal, not to arty, but to capture the girls personality. Richard arrived and after just 5 minutes of meeting the girls and me hopelessly trying to explain, he just knew what I was looking for and captured it in one session. The most impressive thing of all was despite my middle one not playing ball on the day, he mangaged to shoot the best photos we have ever had of her. To say he exceeded my estimations would be an understatement!!!