Monday, 13 August 2007

In the frame

If you're considering booking a portrait session or hiring us to photograph your wedding, you might want to have a think about how you'll want your favourite prints presented. We have a host of different presentation options depending on whether you want a classic frame or perhaps something more modern and contemporary:
  • presentation box to contain all your prints
  • traditional mounts and frames available in a variety of different frame designs and sizes
  • black rimmed MDF frames
  • wall mounted box frames
  • acrylic ice sandwich
  • canvas wraps
  • traditional albums
  • coffee table books
  • digital picture frames
Please enquire for further details and prices.

Child portraits

It's not easy photographing kids. Let's face it, they never do exactly what you want them to do!

But at the same time, it's this spontineity which makes them so engaging and interesting to photograph. The following selection are from a recent child portrait session where the final images were presented in the ultimate in presentation formats - a hardback, coffee-table book.

The little girl is called Hannah and what an angel she turned out to be.

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Press advertising

At Triggers, we can go much further than just producing a quality photograph. If you want us to, we can put the whole campaign together from start to finish. Triggers Response, our sister trading company, provides marketing consultancy and creative services to small and medium sized companies. As we see it, photography is an integral part of the creative process and whilst it can be commissioned in isolation, sometimes it's better to involve us from the outset so that we can approach the brief holistically.

You could say it's about looking at the bigger picture, not just the actual photograph.

The advertisement below for Big Metal is a good example of what we mean. Big Metal are one of the biggest wholesalers in costume jewellery today and supply to major high street retailers across the UK. They happen to be one of our longest-serving clients and regularly approach us whenever they need high-end product photography or help putting together an advertising campaign.

In this particular example, they asked us to develop a press ad which would help drive footfall to their stand at the Pure fashion trade show in Olympia. The advertisement was to feature on the back cover of the official programme so it was important it presented the jewellery in a favourable light whilst reaffirming the brand's price competitiveness in the market place. Not only did we develop the beautiful photography but we also devised the conceptual idea behind the ad, the copy and art direction and the final design.

It turns out this was the most successful trade show Big Metal have ever had in over 10 years of trading. What a funky coincidence!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Portrait session (Holly & James)

Holly and James approached us to take a framed portrait for their mother's 60th. Always a good way to earn a few brownie points!

James was a tad apprehensive towards the whole idea apparently but it wasn't long before he relaxed as we all got into the swing of things. They were great fun to work with and were happy to try out different things. We ended up with some fabulous photos and gather from Holly that their Mum cried when she opened her present - result!

Here's a small selection from the session.